
Financial Monitoring service

at the ministry of

Finance and economy of Turkmenistan

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FATF Group Recommendations and Typologies

FATF Recommendations

Documents of the FATF 40 Recommendations in particular, represent a comprehensive set of organizational and legal measures to create in each country, an effective regime for combating money laundering and terrorist financing, the complexity and versatility of which is expressed in:

  • widest possible coverage of issues related to the organization to combat money laundering and terrorist financing at the national and international levels; 

  • close relationship with the international conventions, UN Security Council resolutions, acts of specialized international organizations devoted to AML / CFT;

  • countries to provide some flexibility in the implementation of the FATF 40 recommendations, taking into account national circumstances and the legal system.

  • The FATF Recommendations do not duplicate or supersede the corresponding provisions of other international instruments and, if necessary, complementing them, reduce to a single system of organizational principles and legal norms, playing an important role in the process of codification of the rules and regulations in the field of AML / CFT.

FATF Group Recommendations and Typologies

  • FATF recommendations
  • Methodology for assessing compliance with FATF Recommendations 40
  • Technical Compliance Methodology
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